Monday, August 31, 2015

I made a zelda watercolour painting!

Sims life

Nintendo and Mercedes-Benz team up

Why Max why are you so Mad? [GIF]

[Spoilers] Yuki Yuna is a Hero Rewatch - Episode 1 (Discussion)

Episode Title: A Maiden's True HeartMyAnimeList: Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de AruCrunchyroll: Yuki Yuna is a HeroPSA: Please don't discuss events that happen after this episode and if you do make good use of spoiler tags. Let's try to make this a good experience for first time watchers.Yuusha Daily Art: Yuuna's Puppet Show ; SourceEpisode 1 GIFsScheduleEpisodeDate18/3129/139/249/359/469/579/689/799/8109/9119/10129/11Series Discussion9/12Hope you don't mind, /u/xiomax95, I kinda jacked the general format from the Madoka re-watch threads.EDIT: GIFs are live, enjoy!EDIT 2: Don't forget to go check out /r/YuYuYu too, if you need a little more Hero in your life! We're a small, growing community with a small team of mods, daily fan-art posts, weekly write-ups cross-posted with here, and we just recently got user flairs up and running!

Halo 5: Guardians Opening Cinematic

Why it sucks living in New Zealand (aka The Future)

/r/Anime’s Best Anime Character Bracket! FINAL ELIMINATION ROUND!

Here’s the last elimination round before the actual bracket! If you want a character to make it to the final bracket, then vote for them! You can vote for as many characters as you want!Vote Here!Full Character List here!Voting ends tomorrow at 6 PM EDT! That’s when the actual bracket will start!OP questions of the day:Who will be the top 10?Who should make it into the bracket but won't?Which character should run against Kanye West for president in 2020?Thanks guys, stay salty!

Fallout has the best attention to detail

I built a Halo 3 grunt out of LEGO

I made a minesweeper RPG in Microsoft Excel. It has character classes and stuff. (link in comments)

Bloodborne Jump Triple kill

A 3 foot tall functional Gameboy Color

This anime season is really damn good

Maybe there aren't any 9+ masterpieces on MAL but there are so many above average-great shows this season. Rokka, Prison School, Overlord, MonMusu, Shimoneta, Shokugeki, Working!!!. I've yet to try Gangsta, Gakkou Gurashi, Umara-chan, or Charlotte but I plan to.I may be overrating them and they may just be popcorn material but it's entertaining popcorn material for sure! I don't think I've followed more airing shows than this season.

When I'm asked: Why Wii U?

Pfft, tree hugger.

Command & Conquer | 20th anniversary today

25 Man Flare War

Most obvious episode of Undercover Boss ever. (X-Post /r/foshelter)

[Spoilers] Jitsu wa Watashi wa - Episode 9 [Discussion]

Episode title: Let's Put On Our Swimsuits!MyAnimeList: Jitsu wa Watashi waCrunchyroll: Actually, I AmAnimeLab: Actually, I Am...Episode duration: 23 minutes and 52 secondsPrevious episodes:EpisodeReddit LinkEpisode 1LinkEpisode 2LinkEpisode 3LinkEpisode 4LinkEpisode 5LinkEpisode 6LinkEpisode 7LinkEpisode 8LinkReminder: Please do not discuss any plot points which haven't appeared in the anime yet. Try not to confirm or deny any theories, encourage people to read the source material instead. Minor spoilers are generally ok but should be tagged accordingly. Failing to comply with the rules may result in your comment being removed.Keywords: actually, i amThis post is made by a bot. Any feedback is welcome and can be sent to /u/Shadoxfix.

Happy Dreamcast controller

My vault is a little kinky.

Deus Ex: Mankind Divided taking Pre-Order DLC to a new level.

[WT!] Kyoukai no Kanata (Beyond the Boundary)

MAL: all have "that one anime". You know, "that one anime" that got us into the hobby, "that one anime" that will always reign on our personal pedestal, "that one anime" that, no matter how much time has passed, you will always love and want to rewatch. For me that anime is Kyoukai no Kanata and I don't think it comes as a surprise for anyone who has interacted with me on this subreddit. With an upcoming DVD release of a sequel movie, Kyoukai no Kanata-I'll be here-Mirai-hen, I think it's about damn time for me to try and convince more people to give this favorite of mine a viewing chance.What is it about?Kyoukai no Kanata is a 2013 action-fantasy/slice-of-life anime produced by Kyoto Animation. It stars Akihito Kanbara, a high schooler who one day encounters a pink-haired Mirai Kuriyama, a cute and innocent looking bespectacled girl, who immediately proceeds to stab Akihito through his chest with a sword made out of her blood. And Akihito politely asks her to remove it.From that point on things only get more interesting.What's so good about it?Mix of SoL and Action, characters, character interactions, romance, visuals and sound.Mix of SoL and ActionLet me start by saying that if you're someone who believes that comedic and light-hearted elements just inherently don't mix with more actiony and darker elements, then it's probably gonna be a deal-breaker for you. Kyoukai no Kanata thrives on fully utilizing and combining light and heavy elements in its storytelling and this combination ends up enhancing the show overall.Slice-of-life and comedic segments serve primarily to develop the cast and introduce the viewer to the lore. As we witness their daily lives, we get to know them better. We see them at their finest, smiling, laughing, and having fun together. Because of that, when shit really hits the fan, we get to see the difference in our characters' behavior. If we don't know what kind of people they are at their best, then seeing them at their worst is just not that impactful. Seeing a character, who is usually very cheerful and outgoing, isolate himself from his friends out of guilt, is much powerful than seeing a constantly brooding character brood some more.Light-hearted elements are also necessary for respite, for both the cast and the viewers. For example, episodes 5 and 6 have almost zero action and they serve primarily as breather after very stressful initial arc.So, in Kyoukai no Kanata, light and heavy elements work in tandem; Light->Heavy->Light, as opposing elements actually end up reinforcing one another. This dichotomy is actually reflected in almost every element of the show, including the atmosphere.The atmosphere of the show is best described as Halloween-esque. There is always that sense of mystery, enigma, and unwritten lore, all set in a familiar looking environment. That atmosphere is further reinforced by a fittingly beautiful and haunting soundtrack. In result we have a setting that manages to combine the traditional high-school shenanigans with very mysterious and enigmatic lore.Another aspect where light and heavy combine perfectly is...CharactersThe main cast of Kyoukai no Kanata consists of 4 characters, Akihito Kanbara, Mirai Kuriyama, and Mitsuki and Hiroomi Nase.Akihito is a kind, loud, outspoken, very snarky, and quite a lecherous young man that has an obvious thing for glasses. This is his light side, and whenever he goes on another glasses related tirade or tries to outsnark one of the Nase siblings, you can just feel mood in the room getting noticeably lighter. His dark side is that in reality he sees himself as an uncontrollable monster, who hurt his friends in the past.Mirai is a very shy and timid looking girl, who is initially obsessed with killing Akihito. Her light side is her naivety and genuinely kind heart, that she tries to hide from other people. Plus, she is an incredibly adorable and endearing girl. Her dark side is her past and powers that she inherited from her clan, that resulted in her being ostracized and hunted by other people.Hiroomi is Mitsuki's older brother whose perviness overshadows even Akihito's. He's an incredibly playful person, as he never misses his chance to harass Akihito in various ways and hit on his sister. Underneath that, however, he carries a heavy burden of his family name. Whenever Hiroomi is dealing with family matters, there's no trace of his usual playful persona to be seen.Mitsuki is the youngest Nase sibling. She seems emotionless, but in reality she's almost as playful as her older brother. She loves messing with Akihito and Hiroomi, and on occasion she takes severe risks in order to help her friends. Her dark side is that of an inferior child. Being the youngest of three Nase siblings, she feels weak and underachieved compared to her older brother and sister.The secondary cast-characters are also just as colourful, albeit not as developed as our mains.Shizuku Ninomiya is a Spirit Warrior and teacher in our heroes' school. She is young, beautiful, dashing, and her every appearance on the screen is quite a joy.Izumi is the eldest sibling and current leader of Nase family, which is quite known in the Spirit World. She is elegant, calculative, and seems to have very unusual relationship with her younger siblings.Ayaka and Ai Shindou are a pair of Youmu capable of taking human form. They usually help our cast by giving them various jobs and explaining the world's lore.One thing that is also worth mentioning about Kyoukai no Kanata's characters is that each and every one of them has a humorous side and they all exhibit it in a very distinct fashion.Mitsuki is a master of sadistic and deadpan humor and she doesn't hold any punches as she reprimands both Akihito and Hiroomi for their lecherous ways, all the while still maintaining that beautiful and cold facade. Hiroomi never fails to amuse himself and the audience as he takes every single opportunity to torment Akihito and hit on his sister. Akihito is never ashamed to display his snarky, sarcastic, and short-tempered side, all of it being accompanied by various hilarious facial expressions. Even shy Mirai doesn't miss her chance to mess with her senpai whenever she has a chance.Supporting cast members also have funny sides to them. Nino-sensei constantly complains about the lack of romance in her life and is not ashamed to use her special powers to reprimand some of her students. Ayaka shamelessly extorts money from Akihito in exchange for some photos and playfully comments on his mother's quite unusual behavior. Even Izumi is not a stranger to an occasional cute and playful smile.These little humorous moments really help humanize the cast and they go along perfectly with the show's SoL elements.Character interactionsIf we look at each member of the main cast separately, they will appear as rather dull individuals.Akihito and Hiroomi on their own are just two typical high-school students, with some specific fetishes. Mirai on her own is just a sad moe-blob. And Mitsuki on her own is just a lonely rich girl. However, it's once you put them together, do they start to really shine and bring better points from one another.Put Akihito and Hiroomi together and we get one very dynamic and believable friend duo. Hiroomi goes out of his way to constantly annoy Akihito with various antics, but they also very easily find common jokes and things to talk about. Once the two of them get on a similar wavelength, there's simply no way to make them shut up. It also becomes evident during heavier scenes, that the two of them genuinely care about each other and treasure their friendship.Put Hiroomi and Mitsuki together and we get one very weird sibling relationship. Hiroomi, being a complete and total siscon, constantly hits on his sister, who always fights back with some swift and hilarious jabs. Still, it is also pretty clear that two of them are very close and comfortable around each other. Mitsuki trusts her brother to protect her and help her should she get in trouble; and Hiroomi will, without hesitation, put his life in danger for the sake of his sister. You can see just how close two of them are when you contrast them with Izumi, who is quite cold in comparison.Put Mitsuki and Mirai together and we get to see one very kind and gentle friendship coming to life. In fact, an entirety of episode 5 is dedicated to the developing of relationship between Mitsuki and Mirai. We get to see Mitsuki's more caring and warm side, as she can't help but watch over the clumsy Mirai. As the episode progresses, we see how the two of them manage to do together something they were never able to do on their own.And once you put Akihito and Mirai together...Romance...We get one hell of a couple.There's one thing that is important about Mirai and Akihito's characters. They both see themselves as monsters and in some regards, they are. Simply on a physical level, both of them are not fully humans. But there's more to it than that. Both of them were ostracized, condemned, and hunted by people because of their powers, and they started seeing it as a curse.The difference however, is how they grew to deal with it. Akihito decided to try and live a normal life. He is still pretty much aware of his powers and he never hesitates to put himself in danger for someone else's sake, since he knows that he cannot be killed. Mirai, on the other hand, decided to shut herself from the world that was so cruel to her. She's lonely, unsociable, and, while naive about many world matters, is very distrustful of other people.But at the very core, Mirai and Akihito are incredibly similar people. And once again, this is where the show's masterful use of contrast shines. The Romance between two of them blooms as they gradually, subtly, and naturally grow to care about each other and see their similarities. By the time the latter half of the show arrives, you can actually see that Mirai and Akkey have developed a real, mutual trust.Not only that, but Mirai and Akihito are simply a very lovable and cute couple. Their every appearance on the screen together is filled with jokes, friendly talks, and genuinely funny and touching moments.VisualsThis is an anime produced by Kyoto Animation so you know that it's gonna look goddamn gorgeous! Backgrounds, character designs and animation being top-notch is part of the course with KyoAni, but this time the studio also decided to demonstrate their talents with animating action.Action in Kyoukai no Kanata is one of the best I've seen in animated shows, as it features very neat and stylish fight choreography, creative usage of extraordinary powers (Mirai's blood sword being one of the most interesting and unusual weapons I've seen), and incredible visual effects.What's also worth mentioning about the visuals in Kyoukai no Kanata are facial and character animations. They range from overly cartoonish facial expressions, usually provided by Akihito, to incredibly subtle eye and body movements. Characters also have some very specific and unique body quirks, like Mirai's own way of fixing her glasses and Mitsuki's tendency to play around with her lollipops. All these little elements help even further humanize the cast and allows the viewer to read the situation and mood without having to outright state it.SoundI'm usually that guy who rarely pays too much attention to the music or voice work, but Kyoukai no Kanata managed to get me even here.As I said before, the soundtrack in the show works really well in reinforcing its overall Halloween-esque atmosphere. That being said, it also features a lot of other memorable compositions. These compositions range from some incredibly silly and funny tunes, fitting for its Slice-of-Life segments, to more intense and heavy pieces that work incredibly well with action and dramatic scenes.The Voice Acting is also incredibly solid, with KENN and Risa Taneda (voices of Akihito and Mirai respectively) completely stealing the show. They are masterful at voicing both the comedic moments (Akihito yelling at Hiroomi to stop harassing him or Mirai getting flustered) and incredibly dramatic ones.And the final thing that is absolutely worth mentioning is the ED, "Daisy" by Stereo Dive Foundation. This ED is absolutely frigging incredible! Not only is the song itself unbelievably good and memorable, but it's also accompanied by some ridiculously good imagery. Visuals for the ED manage to convey in a very simple and elegant manner what the show is about; Mirai finding Akihito.In shortKyoukai no Kanata is my favorite anime, so chances are I've exaggerated some things. Still, I do genuinely think that Kyoukai no Kanata is an incredible show that manages to do a lot of things right. If you're looking for an action show with a very lovable cast, great character interactions, stellar romance, top-notch visuals and soundtrack, and some light-hearted comedic elements, then you should by all means, give Kyoukai no Kanata a go.Oh yeah, they also do that thing when the end of the episode transitions into ED and it's totally awesome!P.S. HUGE thanks to /u/Anarchiszm for helping me with editing and proof-reading. In Persona 3 terms, YOU DA MAN!

Bloodborne Jump Triple kill

[Spoilers] Akagami no Shirayuki-hime - Episode 9 [Discussion]

Episode title: Feelings that Connect and ReachMyAnimeList: Akagami no Shirayuki-himeFUNimation: Snow White with the Red HairAnimeLab: Snow White with Red HairEpisode duration: 24 minutes and 17 secondsPrevious episodes:EpisodeReddit LinkEpisode 1LinkEpisode 2LinkEpisode 3LinkEpisode 4LinkEpisode 5LinkEpisode 6LinkEpisode 7LinkEpisode 8LinkReminder: Please do not discuss any plot points which haven't appeared in the anime yet. Try not to confirm or deny any theories, encourage people to read the source material instead. Minor spoilers are generally ok but should be tagged accordingly. Failing to comply with the rules may result in your comment being removed.This post is made by a bot. Any feedback is welcome and can be sent to /u/Shadoxfix.

My dad found these in his garage...

I can totally get behind this GTAV mod

Charlotte Episode 10 Preview

[WT!] - Gintama - The Random Incarnated

Have you ever just sat down and thought:''Boy, I sure wonder if there is an anime about feudal japan where aliens invade Edo & modernised the shit out of the place; with the samurai reading manga & going to idol contests + making lots of poop jokes.’’ If you did, i know this great local therapist.Haha, thats pretty great, but what is the ''real'' story?It’s basically that. I’m not kidding, people are literally going to idol-contests, fighting aliens who inhabited cats, walking around with a duck-something, getting their dick turned into a screwdriver. It’s a wild anime, and that’s what makes it amazing.MAL:GintamaGenres: Action, Comedy, Historical, Parody, Samurai, Sci-Fi, ShounenNumber of episodes: 286 as of August 26, 2015Year: 2006-NowOriginal Author: Hideaki SorachiStudio: SunriseThe Story - Serious VersionThe story is set in the late Edo period of japan, where aliens called ''Amanto'' have invaded. During the invasion the samurai take up arms & fight against the amanto, but the Shogun realises their terrible power and betrays the samurai. He then writes a contract stating that the amanto are allowed into the country and a public ban on swords was placed, thus the samurai lost & the shogunate became a puppet of the amanto.In the war, which happened a long time ago since the series start, was man nicknamed ''white demon''. But after the war was lost he vanished.On a certain day a bizzare samurai with an amazing silver perm helped a boy. Impressed with the samurai, the boy joined up with him in the buisness the samurai started, nicknamed ‘’Yorozuya". Not many days after that, he met a small girl with superhuman strength followed by the Yakuza, in which after she was saved by them, joined the Yorozuya.Doing many jobs, requested by individuals of various stature they travel around edo achieving both great & minor feats.The CharactersThe ProtagonistA magnificent saint. A vast majority of protagonist pale in comparison of his stunning looks & high wisdom & valorous strength! Yes! He is the man who will catch you when you’re falling, and what you will see is a brimming soul of gold! With his golden hair twisting arou-- ...No .. what? Wait...? Kintoki? Wasn’t his name Gin-- oh, Kinto-... another char.. yeah, i got it.A man with a silver perm. A man with a silver soul. Seriously, it's the greatest perm you've seen. No, the greatest you will see!Lazy, late 20's something, nose picking, manga reading, strawberry milk drinking, wooden curry-scented sword wielding, self proclaimed Jack of all Trade, master of no(thing)e. Oh yes, him. The Shiroyasha (Lit. White Demon), the Yorozuya (Lit.House of 10,000 business) leader. That’s right, Mr Odd Jobs; Sakata, Gintoki!In his childhood days Gintoki was an Orphan and he was eventually taken in by a man he later called his mentor. At his mentors school he studied with two people called Katsura Kotarou and Takasugi Shinsuke. One day his school burned down and his teacher was arrested. In an attempt to rescue him they all joined the Joui War, which was the famed samurai's ''rebellion'' against the amanto. There he became nicknamed the Shiroyasha for his white demonic appearance and skilled swordplay which nobody could match.The SidekicksWith him we have ''the boy'' Shinpachi & ''the girl'' Kagura, his friends & companions at the Yorozuya.The illustrious, mighty Kagura. A member of the strongest tribe in the galaxy, the yato. The daughter of the the strongest man, Umibozu. Due to unfortunate events she traveled to earth, in search for a new life, where she met Gintoki & Shinpachi.On the other side note, we have ShinpachiYou'll follow the crew & this lazy man as he continues to do what he's always done. Pick his nose and drink strawberry milk while reading man--Going on adventures through Edo & beyond helping the many inhabitants of it. Gaining new friends with the ultimate goal of becoming the samurai king & a warlord of the seven seas. with maybe becoming a basketball & football star. Gaining a new stand,all while waiting for the amazing new upcomming movieThe ComedyYou might have noticed by the pretty bizzare text and many seemingly random entries that Gintama is mainly a comedy series. In the +285 episodes as of today much of it is centered around the brilliant comedy Gintama employs. It uses everything from simple toilet humor jokes to reocurring jokes, such as references to a scene 200 episodes back. The continuity is really amazing. What i believe is the best part about Gintama is it’s utilization of characters. Every character develops largely. They’re not what they seem at first glance. They’ll gain new skills & new methods complimenting other characters. A prime example in Gintama is a character called ‘’The Shogun’’ (Real name Shige Shige) with by his presence alone, makes every character very different. This is a great part of the show because you’ll never know what to expect from a character depending on which other character he/she is with. A normally silly character might turn into badass in the presence of character X. But don’t believe in me. Believe in the permConclusionGintama in it’s very essence is trying, and suceeding with being unique. It’s a marvelous comedic show which utilizes it’s characters to the fullest extent. A scene which might seem silly can be turned inspirational. A scene which might seem stupid will be turned brilliant. A scene which is joyous will develop sorrowful.Watch OrderGintama 3-57, Gintama, Gintama: Benizakura-Hen, Gintama 61-Last Episode. Gintama’ (Season 2) Ep 1 - Last episode, Gintama : Yorozuya Forever, Gintama’ Enchousen: 1-13, Gintama°Ep 1 - Newest episode. You might want to watch the first 2 episodes but since they are anime originals they’re not that great, it’s usually recommended to skip to ep 3.Gintama is set up in a series of mini-arcs (usually 3-6 episodes) which have no real connection to each other besides the introduction of certain characters, be they friends or foes. There is no ‘’big’’ overarching plot but certain pieces of it are there. Think of the arcs as stepping stones.Now if you excuse meHope you’ve enjoyed reading this and got some insight into the show. If notTried to make it pretty short but it’s not that easy considering Gintama is a long-running shounen featuring up to 285 episodes and two movies as well as Gintama not having a linear plot.Well, have a nice day. /ExodorEdit: Fixed some spelling mistakes.

I made a minesweeper RPG in Microsoft Excel. It has character classes and stuff. (link in comments)

Well that's definitely a new wrestling move....

He's not wrong

I built a Halo 3 grunt out of LEGO

[GATE] Rory Cosplay by 霜月shimo

Which anime has the best yuri kisses?

I know about Prisma Illya and Sakura Trick, but could there actually be something out there with better yuri kisses/fanservice? I have to research this for science.

Production I.G Mentions Possibility of "FLCL" Remake

I can totally get behind this GTAV mod

This makes me sad

Production I.G. purchases the rights to FLCL from Gainax"今回の譲受に伴い、I.Gは当権利を新作アニメのリメイク等に活用して参ります。" I have no idea what this means, but it seems important.

Meanwhile in 1988

The second season of "Haikyuu!!" premieres October 3rd

My problem with betrayal in anime.

I wish I could find more anime with betrayal in it. But the problem with a good betrayal is that I don't want to see it coming. So I can never ask for one or go looking for one because then I watch with the expectation of a betrayal happening.Just wanted to say my frustration about my favorite element of story telling. Don't mine this post.

Take this back! (Kyoukai no Kanata)

I've never taken the time to appreciate this as much as I should have. My mothers wonderful creation

[Fanart][Comic] Senjougahara cosplaying as Homura

Imgur HostCouldn't find the original artist's site so the closest source is the danbooru raw/tranlsation

I've lost my manliness

I am a brick wall when it comes to anime. Nothing makes me emotional when watching stuff.The Green Mile is the only thing to EVER make me cry.Until today.I have seen Clannad:After Story, Anohana, White Album 2, Death Parade, all the saddest stuff you can get to.I had 1 left that was on the list, and that one was Plastic Memories.GODDAMN IT THAT SHIT WAS SADI sobbed really loudly after the ending.In fact, I sobbed so loud I woke up my roommate.He walked over to me and saw me face down on my pillow, crying my fucking eyes out.ITS JUST SO SADAND I KNEW IT WAS GONNA HAPPEN TOO

I've never taken the time to appreciate this as much as I should have. My mothers wonderful creation

Favorite same-sex anime couple?

Just finished rewatching Hibike! Euphonium, it's 2015 and I'm noticing that hetero pairs usually dominate these favorite couple threads and contests!So let's see some love for yuri and yaoi (we can be equal opportunity here!); who's your favorite gay couple?Edit: fuck what's canon, go wild.