Saturday, April 02, 2016

If your first trip into Ace Attorney is the anime, I highly recommend playing the games first

First off, this should not be taken as me saying you should absolutely not watch the anime. If you're not interested in playing the games, then go ahead and just watch, although it's not recommended.The main reason I say this is because one of the biggest reasons AA is so much fun is because you get to figure these mysteries out for yourself. It's all about you thinking about what happened and piecing together the truth from the constant stream of lies you're given. This is kind of lost when you watch the anime. The truth is kind of handed to you and it's hard to figure out the truth for yourself. Also, when you actually go and play the games afterwards, you'll already know what's gonna happen and some of the fun of the game is lost.AA games really are best to go in 100% blind, not knowing what's gonna happen. It really is best to just not know anything about what's gonna happen.If you really just want to watch the anime, then you can also watch it and the play the rest of the games afterwards, but this is also not recommended, because the game that comes after the anime (Trials & Tribulations) is hard, and you'll lack the necessary experience with finding those really tough to find contradictions.Again, if you don't want to play these games, then that's fine. These games are very slow paced and some trials can take forever to solve (looking at you Rise from the Ashes). The anime will obviously take these at a much more rapid pace, so if you want that, then that's fine. This can, of course, be seen as a bad thing, but also as a good thing.As for actually getting the games, it's pretty easy. The original trilogy has been released on the DS, 3DS e-store, Wii e-store (don't know if that one's still up) and even iOS. The 4th game (Apollo Justice) is somewhat harder to get as that's only available as a DS physical copy. Dual Destinies is then again on 3DS and I think iOS now as well (might be wrong on that one).Once again, do not take this as me saying you should absolutely not watch the anime. This is not my intention. I'm just recommending that you play the games first, and that's all it is. A recommendation. Do whatever you will, but please do take my recommendation in mind.

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