Friday, July 08, 2016

Studio Trigger at AX 2016

"They grabbed LWA images from Yoshinari they weren't necessarily supposed to show and told nobody to take pictures of them because of that: "if we catch you with a camera, SUSHIO will go in and start punching you", a dude in the crowd yells: "PUNCH ME SUSHIO!" General News: Little Witch Academia TV anime is confirmed to be a Netflix show (or at least globally distributed on Netflix) coming 2017. Directed by Yoshinari, ofc.Imaishi is working on three projects at current. Nothing will be announced soon, but they've entered development.They also have a project done by a mystery director they can't announce coming up in the future!And, yes, Inferno Cop season 2 is still coming. More show-specific fun stuff & teasers they shared with us under the cut, for Kiznaiver, Space Patrol Luluco, and the upcoming LWA TV anime: Kiznaiver: Yoneyama Mai did a HUGE amount of work on Kiznaiver - character designing & leading animation as well as doing huge amounts of fixes & boarding. SUSHIO considers her his 'padawan' who he worries is surpassing him, lolYoneyama says that during work on the final episode, she was crying while working because she had grown so attached to the characters. SUSHIO says "were you crying because you were stressed? I was crying because I was stressed". He looks up pictures of cute animals on Google when he's under pressure & apparently did this a lot during both Kizna and Kill la Kill’s production.SUSHIO about Tenga: I was looking at these pictures and thinking 'wow, I did a great job drawing Kamina - oh, my bad!'SUSHIO said that working on TTGL was his 'second youth' - working on Kiznaiver was his 'third youth' and made him realize he needs more friends.Yoneyama just finished the designs for the third set of Kiznaiver BDS on the flight to LA, with Hisomu & Nico on the packaging. No photos, sorry! Space Patrol Luluco: Imaishi had plans for Luluco as early as 2010, and kept proposing the project in various forms, but always got shot down by other staff - he proposed it to (head writer) Nakashima when they were making KLK but he was uninterested, and they only made it this year after he apparently fought with Amemiya over it and 'threw a tantrum' because he'd been trying to get it made for six years straight.On that note: the 'Space Patrol' idea was brought up when they were making Inferno Cop, but it was shot down & turned into Inferno Cop instead; meaning that SPL was prioritized lower than Inferno Cop.SPL was originally planned as a four-season yearlong show with Lalaco as the final boss & nova as her lackey - but they wound up having to cram all their ideas into one short show (in another interview SUSHIO joked that this was because they got bored of writing episodes).Koyama was specifically called in to design Over Justice. He said, and I quote: "I did my best to make the flame part of Over Justice look like a marijuana [leaf]". SUSHIO replied "not justice!"There's a gate to hell in Over Justice's desk as well, the setting for his desk is very ancient, because it's actually connected to hell. This will be expanded on in a future season of Inferno Cop, apparently.Mayumi Shintani - Midori's (and Nonon's) seiyuu - showed up as a special guest. She said the recording process for SPL was very relaxed - she ad-libbed a lot & she doesn't think she said a single line in the script the way it was meant to be. They said "if it's funny or good, we usually take it."Trigger-chan is canonically 18 when we see her at the end of the show - five years have passed!She also has gained the power to leap dimensions - "to interfere with all of Trigger’s work.""Maybe in one of our future works she'll be able to find the lost Nova - please look forward to it." Little Witch Academia TV anime: It will be distributed by Netflix globally, or possibly a Netflix original. Yoshinari's wording (in a video message he sent) was unclear.It’s the next major project and is currently in development - Yoshinari says that it will reveal secrets of the academy and feature both akko & her friends + new characters.Yoshinari says that the ending will be a 'grand spectacle' and that he hopes to come to AX next year to show his finished work; so the show will probably be either a winter or spring show (but I'm betting on spring.)LWA character designs, boards, and backgrounds done by Yoshinari look absolutely beautiful and are stylistically the same as the two OVA - but no photos, sorry! TRIGGER was super cute as usual - they did trivia, joked around, and gave out signboards. One of the trivia questions was "WHICH ANIMATOR LOVES MAKO-CHAN THE MOST?" the answer was, obviously, SUSHIO." This write-up was extracted from here.

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