Tuesday, September 29, 2015

I sat in an interview with Shō Hayami, veteran voice actor.

FYI, the interview was conducted at AFAID 2015.He's a veteran in the Japanese voice acting world, voicing characters such as Vanilla Ice, Da Garn, Ichiya, and narrates one of /r/anime's favorite series this season, Shimoneta.Okay, first impression: His real voice is very, very deep.Well, straight to the goodies:Asked about Vanilla Ice (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure),"In my seiyuu career, this character has the dirtiest words. Nothing else is as dirty as this one."He threw this funny off-topic stuff when asked for his opinion about the upcoming Macross Delta."Well, across this room, I saw that there's a birthday party for a one year old child named Maximilian*, I thought there's a connection about this. Because of it, I think that the latest Macross will be successful as well.* His character at Macross shares the same name, Maximilian Jenius.Serious answer follows:"If I can, I really want to get into this series, even if only for one scene."Hardest character for him?Physically, it's Vanilla Ice (He said it's from JoJo, and this is the only character he voiced). He has no time to rest since the line is so long. "I had to read while acting so I had no time to think about it at all." It was physically draining. His manager/whatever then explained to us that he had to change emotions at every line.There's another one that he finds hard, characters that speaks only one or two lines. He gave Miwa Ichigen from K as an example. He said he needs to think what will he leave for the anime, for the watcher.What are fans to him?"Fans are those that accepts my effort to act."For those who wants to enter the world of seiyuu, here are his words:"I want to explain to them that those dreams don't just come. They need some skills, such as good language skills and the physique to deliver lines. Also, they need to have part-time jobs, or monetary aid. Most seiyuus start while taking part-time jobs. If they have monetary aid from parents or the part-time jobs, it will be a good thing."He watches every anime that has a character that he voiced.He was asked to redo voices for Super Robot Taisen, and rewatched his old anime series, to 'relearn' the voice, and he thought "Damn, my voice was this bad." He continued, "But I need to do the 'bad' voice from my past. Even though I have my techniques now, I don't have the same youthness, energy, and passion like in the past."Around 15 years ago, he 'lost' his voice. "For 1.5 years, while acting, it feels like it's not my own voice." It was found out that there's a small bump on his throat, and it was removed. For him, it was one of his worst moments.Fun Fact: In his office/studio, there's a replica of the Borobudur Temple. He wanted to visit there, but due to scheduling, he was unable to go.Edited out some mistakes, and fixed some grammar. http://ift.tt/1LMeYCJ

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