Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Anime with the best use of the 'Unreliable Narrator' trope?

Hey, /r/anime, my favorite trope is probably the unreliable narrator, it's one that is sadly underused and if you're not aware of what it is, you can visit this link to learn more about it. (WARNING TVTROPES LINK, IF YOU OPEN IT YOU SHOULD EXPECT REGAIN YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS NEXT MONTH AND FIND YOURSELF LYING IN A DITCH SOMEWHERE IN THE OTHER PART OF THE PLANET)But it's as simple as it sounds, it's when you have a narrator who's unreliable either because they'll either contradict themselves because they remember the facts incorrectly or they'll just outright lie to you because they're trying to push their own viewpoint of what happened on you.Because it's criminally underused, I'd love it if I get manga/anime/LN/VN/whateverreally recommendations, because to be honest, this TVtropes page is (hopefully) missing a decent number of anime/manga that use it.My personal favorite use of this trope was in a video game called Call of Juarez: Gunslinger, where the events changed as you played the game thanks to the fact that it was narrated by more than one person sitting at a bar recounting what they remember/know. (And The Stanley Parable, if that counts) http://ift.tt/1JHwvru

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