Tuesday, December 01, 2015

/r/Anime Fanart Contest 3rd Edition: Winners!

Hi there :)To start, i'd like to thank everyone for entering, we got a similar amount to last time so it's nice to see people haven't yet lost interest :DApologies for the delay also, a few people had asked about it. We had delays with judging so i had to get some others in to help with judging instead. Huge thanks to /u/Vigamox and /u/Ailim for helping this time around once again, and on such short notice <3Overall we had 4 judges.Here's a link to the original thread if you'd like to look through all of the submissions.So without further ado: the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners!1st Place: Here's a link to their submissionAnd they will be awarded with the custom Fanart Contest flair and 1 month of gold gifted by /u/badspler . /u/xxxhaozhuangxxx2nd Place: Here's a link to their submission /u/toaisuAnd they will be awarded with 1 month of gold gifted by /u/badspler3rd Place: Here's a link to their submission /u/cho-dasaiAnd they will be awarded with 1 month of gold gifted by /u/badsplerCongratulations to you all, You're free to enter the next contest but your submission won't be judged. Once again, thanks to Vigamox and Ailim for the help with judging, along with /u/urban287 for always judging and /u/badspler for gifting gold to the winners!Also, could 1st place PM me regarding their flair please :)I was going to run another contest for December that was Christmas themed, however since this one took so long to get out i might give the contests a break until January and run a Winter themed contest then. Tell me your thoughts please :) http://ift.tt/1ltF5UP

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