Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Ever notice this during character conversations?

I'm sure we've all seen this trope before where two characters will be having a conversation right, and when one of them says something important, brave, heartwarming, brash, or whatever, the other character will just say their nameExample (fake dialogue):Naruto: Wooh, glad we made it out of that burning building aliveSakura: I'm going back in!Naruto: Wait, why?!Sakura: There are still people in there! I need to save themNaruto: But it's dangerous!Sakura: I don't care! I'LL RISK MY LIFE TO SAVE THE LIVES OF OTHERSNaruto: Sakura-chan...Almost every anime I've ever watched does this at least once in it's dialogue somewhere. Pretty sure I've never seen this in movies or cartoons either, just in anime. Is it for dramatic effect? is that how conversations go in Japan? Idk, just something I noticed

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