Monday, June 20, 2016

Has anime ever put you in an uncomfortable situation?

I was just watching episode 206 in Gintama, and my mom, who isn't particularly fond of anime, decides to sit down and watch. Gintama is usually harmless, or at least obviously just crude humor, so I didn't really worry. But, it's just my fucking luck. They randomly cut to Gin and Hasegawa in a fuckin strip club watching some chick pole dancing.It's certainly not the worst scene that I've watched and she could've walked in on, but I still died a little inside. At least most ecchi scenes in Gintama have a comedy aspect to it, so it could just be chocked up to silliness, but this was just purely sexual. She's already not tolerable of this shit as it is, and I'm pretty sure her impression of anime is now on a level lower than most of your guys' shit-tier waifus. And she thinks I love the smut.The only possible bright side to this is that I started going on my phone a couple minutes before the scene, so maybe she saw that I wasn't paying attention, but, the worst part is, she didn't say anything. She gave me the silent disappointment, the worst of all disappointments. I honestly would've been happier if she made some kind of verbal insult.Anyway, that got me wondering on what uncomfortable experiences people have had directly or indirectly because of anime.

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