Wednesday, August 24, 2016

3x3 Thursdays [August 25th, 2016]

What is this thread? It's a place to post your own 3x3s (or 4x4s, 5x5s, whatever, we don't judge) and check out ones made by others. You'll quickly learn how addicting they are to make.What is a 3x3? Well, it's basically a collage of whatever you want it to be. A popular one is a 3x3 of your favorite anime. Here's mine as an example. But you can make it whatever you want. Anime, characters, ships (the vehicle or the romance), etc.How can you make your own 3x3? In addition to image editing programs like Paint, Photoshop, or GIMP, there are sites online you can use to really speed up the process and save you a lot of work. A couple of popular ones are bighugelabs and BeFunky.To keep things fresh, we also have a new theme every week. This is voted on by the users each week, and it can be a fun challenge to find characters or shows you wouldn't normally think about.The theme for this week is Shows Rated at a 7/10.Next week's theme will be Non-Japan Settings. This one should be pretty straightforward. What are your favorite shows that don't take place in Japan?Poll for Theme for 2 Weeks from nowList of themes we've already done with links!Have an idea for a future theme? Got a question, comment, or concern? Or maybe you just wanna ask me what my favorite color is? (Hint: it's not purple) Feel free to put in a comment and I'll get back to you.

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