Monday, September 05, 2016

[Spoilers] Re:Zero Episode 23 Nagatsuki Tappei's livetweets/trivia

Nagatsuki Tappei (Author of Re:Zero) likes to tweet as the episode airs. They usually include trivia and facts around that episode.I try my best to translate as accurately as possible, but there will always be bits of mistranslations due to the japanese language and its slang. Forgive me if there are any typo errors in names. I am not a novel reader and might not know the official context to some of his tweets. Do let me know and i will edit accordingly! These are best experienced with the episode playing together.(I only started translating from episode 17 so i don't have translations for previous episodes)Link to Episode 17 LivetweetsLink to Episode 18 LivetweetsLink to Episode 19 LivetweetsLink to Episode 20 LivetweetsLink to Episode 21 LivetweetsLink to Episode 22 LivetweetsNAGASTUKI LIVETWEETS FOR EPISODE 23BEFORE EPISODE AIRED—Now then, re:zero episode 23 is starting! Together with this episode, we're left with 3 more!EPISODE STARTS—Starting right from last week, in this mysterious isolation.The first realisation of being in an illusion = [Patrasche is not being friendly]Julius, able to resist the illusion with his own strength.The spirts floating in the palm of Julius's hand are not "artificial spirits", but "quasi spirits". They are slightly of higher status when compared to the "artificial spirits" and he has brought 6 of them, which is pretty unusual.The older sister quickly captures Subaru and was about to withdraw but Wilhelm, who is the first out of everyone else to break from the illusion, interferes."Ram can use illusion magic??" is what many might be thinking, but the effect of the illusion actually comes from a toxin in that blue flower. Ram used wind magic to spread the poison to influence the subjugation corps. if only Julius, who was able to resist it, wasn't there.....A part start!"To bite the hand that feeds you "The handwritten letter was sent to the mansion before the subjugation of the white whale regarding information related to the witch's cult. Presently, it's just a small prop.If capturing Subaru has not been the main priority for the older sister, she would have been able to easily take down the main force of the subjugation corps. But she didn't.In order to not cause any confusion/chaos among the villagers with the witches cult, they wanted to hide that but everyone was vaguely aware or it. The merchants helping with the evacuation were brought along without being told about it as well.Felis is cute... nay, friendly...It was decided to say "witch's cult? no. We're exterminating bandits in the forest" to ease the situation. It was impossible.Ha! **(He's imitating Ram's "Hpmh!" when subaru says that Ram has acknowledged him.)Petra is cute too.Now then, let's go solve the problem that's been put off for so long.I think the fact that Subaru came with Julius to the mansion would be shocking.**(To emilia most likely)With Peteko in episode 22 and the breaking of this illusion, both are thanks to the power of the quasi spirit "Ia". Julius attached it to Subaru.In the midst of "Nect", we reviewed multiple times on what everyone was saying."A grey colored cat" Oh! They're talking about me? Isn't it me??***(Tappei's twitter handle is "nezumi iro nyanko" which translates to grey coloured cat. Fun fact, he uses "nezumi iro" which means "colour of a rat" instead of just using a word like "grey". so you can read this as "rat coloured cat" as well.)Felis's combat power is none.By the way, this person is "Ketty-san". He actually appears in previous time loops too."world's gentlest hands" was said by Felis's treasured friend.A part over! Fast as usual!And with that, here's the third one, "kettylgeuse".B part start! A sudden explosion, Subaru scatters!Felis - "didn't you die once already"This part once again, Wilhelm uses the dust to see the "invisible hand"Actually the third Kettylgeuse has more "invisible hands" than Petelgeuse and Peteko.Fourth one. Petebi-san.This Petebi... i feel like she'll be pretty cute if she stays stillIt's been a while Wolgarm.Fifth person, Camugeuse.**(pronounced "ka-mii-yu-geuse")The ones that notified Emilia were the ones who brought the wounded to the mansion, Ram and Felis. Felis might have stopped Ram from going with her.Might be a bit late, but Emilia-tan is the kind of person who would kill any opponent with an intent to kill back.Overthrowing the witch's cult and the eyes of everyone watching Emilia do it. And the reason for Emilia's tears...Still though, doesn't it look like Felis is nude with only an apron on? **(hadaka apron he says)Subaru, prioritized withdrawing from Emilia rather than talking to herIa who was attached to subaru removes itself after that heart thump.The 6th person, Subarugeuse."Curse me, Subaru-kyun."In the same way with Ketty, Felis uses his magic and makes the "water" flow in the opponent's body run wild which will kill him. Doing it to the body that Petelgeuse enters, he too cannot resist it. At the end with his sword, Julius assists to end the suffering of his partner.If it was not for Felis's decision, Julius would [NEVER] be able to assist in Subaru's suicide and the possibility that Subarugeuse wll attack the village is high. Felis's judgement was cold hearted but right. Whether he wanted to do it or not is a separate matter.Regarding the last fight between Emilia and Petelgeuse, in the same way as how Wilhellm does it, she used floating ice to created diamond dust to be able to see the "invisible hand". Wilhelm relies on his body and strength to take it down whereas Emilia used her strong magical powers. Both have the strength to deal with it.EPISODE ENDS—With that said, today has been a "Petelgeuse festival"! How was it? Different Petelgeuse, all 6 of them were shown, but which one is your favourite? I'm waiting to see who is your Best-Petelgeuse~!I seriously just said "Best-Petelgeuse"By the way, i wouldn't say that Felis tears are not for Subarus sake, but majority of it is for another reason. The reason he cries is.... WHAT? You can know about it in Re:zero EX1 [The dream the lion king saw]??!*(hard to translate but here he talks about how it was pandemonium in the dubbing studios because they had 4 petelgeuse on recording at the same time lol)Oh yeah, before i go to bed. I had chills after i heard kobayshi's voice acting for Subarugeuse. You could feel a sense of being possessed and then suddenly in control again without needing the eye glints to tell. It was amazing.Seriously speaking, just saying thank you is not enough to everyone who acted as Petelgeuse. Moreover because this is content from vol.8, this was written after the anime meetings started. "I never would have thought the anime would become like this" was the excuse i giveChrist! What an episode. Lots of text this time round so it took waaaaay longer than usual.

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