Sunday, January 31, 2016

/r/Anime Fanart Contest! 4th Edition

Stickied again for more attention~So it's been around 2 months since the last Contest started. Christmas is gone and now it's 2016! I was considering a Winter theme, i guess that would seem the best way to go but i realized i still need to please /u/urban287 so Winter theme wont be happening~This contests theme is Dun dun duunHope you're happy, Urban :P And hopefully the rest of you can work with the theme. Also, i'm English and so it's Armour not Armor.Anything related to Armour will work, i guess it will mainly be people wearing Armour but have fun with it!Let your imagination go wild! But what you submit has to be clearly related to the theme in some way, if what you submit doesn't fit the theme it will hinder it's chances of winning greatly.RulesFailure to follow these rules may result in your submission/post being removed and won't be judged.All Fanart submitted must be your own work. (All work will be checked, if you suspect someone please PM me.All Fanart submitted must fit the theme of the Contest. (It'll still be judged, but will be scored lower because of this)All Fanart submitted must be Anime related.No OC work is allowed. (Work submitted must be based on an existing character in some way, backgrounds and any other details can be left to your imagination)Only light NSFW material is allowed and must be tagged in the submission comment.Discussion of submissions is allowed, but keep it on topic.Constructive criticism is allowed, but don't be a dick.All submitted work must have some form of proof it is your own. WIP images or an added watermark will suffice.Tracing is not allowed in any form.Only one piece of work submitted per person.Digital and hand drawn Fanart is allowed. (No basic photoshop edits are allowed, touch ups etc in photoshop are)Minimalistic/vector art is allowed, but cannot be traced.No meme related work is allowed.All work submitted must have been made specifically for the contest, no submitting past pieces!PrizesA custom flair will be rewarded to First Place and a Months gold gifted by me, no set prizes for 2nd and 3rd place. People have offered gold previous times, this is always appreciated.How to enterTo enter all you need to do is make a comment on the post that contains a link to your submission that is preferably uploaded to Imgur aswell as a link to your WIP proof.Only comment on this post with your submission, you're free to then comment on other peoples submissions or reply to comments on your own. If you'd like to leave any extra feedback reply to the comment made by me. Any replies not following this will be removed.You will have 3 weeks (~9-2-16) to post your submission and then the final week will be for judging. Any submission posted after the 3 weeks time frame won't be judged.Previous winners are free to enter due to the time gap between the contests, and whoever won before the last contest have been free to enter the past 2 contests :)Have fun and Good luck to whoever decides to enter :)

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