Monday, February 29, 2016

Pierce the heavens. TTGL and the battle with cancer.

Yesterday I watched one of my best friends die. He was brave and strong. He and his brother were my neighbors growing up and we all quickly became best friends. That was 15 years ago. As time passed we went our separate ways but when we all came back together a year and a half ago to battle his cancer, we reconnected. We found a shared love for anime and in particular TTGL. The message of brotherly love and indomitable will rang true in our hearts. Make the impossible, possible. Having faith in each other in order to believe in ourselves is something we began to live by. As we began our long struggle with cancer we got him a memento of sorts, a core drill necklace. As time passed things got better and then worse, over and over. He held onto that drill, sometimes in his hands and others in his big brothers. They clung to it so desperately that the brass coloration on the core drill wore away to the silver finish below. Yesterday as his battle ended, he held the core drill in his hand. We gathered around a our friend and held him as he passed. He wears the drill around his neck now and he always will. His drill is the drill that pierced the heavens and our hearts. Later... buddy...

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