Monday, February 29, 2016

/r/Anime Fanart Contest 4th Edition: Winners!

Hi there :)To start, i'd like to thank everyone for entering. We got significantly less entrants this time around but the quality of the work submitted is always high!Apologies for the delays, we're about a week late on this because the other mods decided that for some reason Rule change announcements are more important than this. Big thanks to /u/ItzKell, /u/Ailim (3rd time!) and /u/urban287 for judging the contest with me. The top 6 or 7 places were ridiculously closeHere's a link to the original thread if you'd like to look through all of the submissions.So without further ado: the 1st, 2nd and 3rd winners!1st Place: Here's a link to their submissionI'll send the gold either in an hour or tomorrow, shoot me a PM about that flair ;) . /u/Earth2Mars2nd Place: Here's a link to their submission /u/VigamoxThis and 1st we're really close!3rd Place: Here's a link to their submission /u/1stGardenReally liked this one~Congratulations to you all!So i'll be letting the contest chill for a while. I want to actually have some decent prizes for the next contest so it's worth while for people to put hours of their time into the contest. A flair and 1 gold gift is a bit lack luster this time around, i wish i prioritized my shit and i'd have been able to get something more. As always, if you have any thoughts regarding this leave them below or shoot me a PM!

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