Hello, and welcome to the Best Character DESIGN Contest, with a dramatic finale of clowns versus skanks!If you are joining us for the first time, this is a contest all about highlighting the best examples of visual aesthetic design for an individual character across any and all anime! This is the contest where it doesn't matter if a character is likeable, if the anime they are from is horrible, or whether they are waifu/husbando material -- all that matters is if they look stylish whilst doing... uh... whatever it is that they do! What is "character design" ???For this contest, "character design" is all about the visual aesthetic and appeal of the character. You should nominate/vote for entrants that:You find visually appealingHave unique characteristics that you enjoyShow special creativityThe visual characteristics of the character support their personality or personal themes in a meaningful wayMeanwhile, you should not nominate/vote for entrants that:You find the visual design bland and/or unappealingAre derivative of other designs or generic anime visual tropesAre unnecessarily complex/over-the-top for no justifiable reasonAre jarringly unmatched to their character's personality or the setting (without reason)It does not matter what the actual personality of the character is, what anime they are from, whether they are a major or minor character, etc. The "quality" of anything related to the character design other than the visual design itself should not be a factor. A terrible anime can still have an example of great character design, while an amazing anime might still have an example of bland character design - consider this an opportunity to celebrate only the work of the Character Designer (and, partially, Animation Supervisor) without any consideration for the Director, Writer, Compositor, Producers, Voice Actors or other staff.See the original thread for the full contest explanation, schedule, concept, etc. Without further ado, then, here is the link to the current match-ups!You can also view all the current brackets here. Since a tiny 150x150 image is not a very good way to judge character design, you will find below a list of all the entrants for this particular round, with links to some bonus images. These were compiled from image submissions in the nomination phase and some idle google-searching on my own part - feel free to suggest more images for the characters who don't have any bonus pictures yet!Good luck to all contestants!Our Final Match-Up Is:Ryuuko Matoi (ALL) | BP1 BP2versusHisoka (ALL) | BP1 BP2 BP3 http://ift.tt/1NfTIZ1
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