Monday, May 02, 2016

The Best Character DESIGN Contest - THE WINNER

 The winner is...       Ryuko Matoi!   Congratulations to our winner! She'll be receiving an all-expenses-paid three-week vacation to scenic crime-free Balbadd, a year's supply of cocktail olives and one jumbo-sized plush whale. Here is a link to the bracket results.Thank you to everyone who participated in this contest, especially those who followed from the start, submitted awesome nominations and added insightful discussions as each round progressed. It's been fun!With that said, the contest is now officially over. You may now begin making whatever Kill la Kill clothing design puns you can come up, endlessly posting the two Hisoka commentfaces with various variations of "Un-schwing" captions and/or using your superior taste to declare how terrible this contest has been even though you have not participated in it until right now.Cheers everyone!

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