Tuesday, February 02, 2016

Best/Guy Contest 2: Unlimited Salt Works! Elimination Round 2!

There is 5 rounds in total for the elimination phase and only 256 will move on. Bring it!VOTELISTOh and yeah! They did took my flair away. The mods took it away because I said offensive stuff. Such as gay, faggot, and fabulous. It is mostly the fabulous that I find funny. I don't really mind, but some were asking me. So I thought fuck it, kill teo birds with one mod. I deleted the nomination phase posts because they were offensive. I find this funny.Got my flair because of a joke.Got taken away because of a joke.There is no better way to lose it.I don't want to create a big fuss because they will ban me. Right now the contests is more important. Also thanks faux and urban. For warning me and for being cool with it.Mini challenge:Read the comments before voting. You'll find some hilarious shit towards your guy or some guy you forgot to vote about.Also check the character list. Try to find a tiny gem.Edit: Do you have a husbando? Then come over to /r/xxanime and vote for your husbando! http://ift.tt/1KVy9pX

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